Why You Need to Write Your Website Copy Before Designing Your Website

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Picture this: you’re about to build your dream home. Do you start by picking out the wallpaper and couch cushions? Probably not (well, you might start pinning inspo on Pinterest, but I digress). You start with a blueprint—the solid plan that outlines your space, your needs, and how it all comes together.

Designing your website without writing the copy first is like decorating that home without knowing the floor plan. Sure, things might look cute initially, but soon you’ll realize the couch doesn’t fit, the kitchen’s missing a pantry—and is that the bathroom in the living room? Oops, that was a mistake.

Your website is no different. Copywriting is your blueprint for making your website convert—because your copy is what does the selling on your website, the design just displays it in a way that’s easy to browse.

It tells you what your visitors need to know, in what order, and why it matters to them. Without it, your design—no matter how stellar—will lack purpose. Let’s explore why writing your copy first sets your website up for conversion success.

Your Website Exists to Make Sales or Get Inquiries

At its core, your website has one job: communicate a sales message. Whether that’s to sell a product or your services.

Yes, design matters—A LOT. A visually appealing website makes people want to stick around. But without well-written copy that connects and gets your ideal clients further down your sales funnel—selling them on how you can help solve their problems—they won’t know what to do once they’re on your website. It’s like putting a dazzling cover on an empty book. Pretty? Yes. Useful? Not so much.

Copywriting Adds Clarity to Your Website

Imagine landing on a beautifully designed website with amazing graphics, but there’s no clear explanation of who the business is, what they offer, or why it matters to you. Frustrating, right? This is what happens when the copy is an afterthought. Writing copy first ensures every message is clear and placed intentionally to guide your visitors through a journey.

^^^ And it’ll help people stay on your website longer, instead of bouncing off right away NSYNC-style right away.

How to Encourage People to Stay on Your Website Longer

10 Reasons Why Someone Will Leave Your Website

Your Website Design Should Enhance & Showcase Your Copywriting

Think of design as the sidekick to your copy’s superhero. Your design should help make your messaging matter. When the copy is done first, it gives a clear direction, making sure the visuals complement and elevate the text. The result? A website that’s not only stunning but highly functional and conversion-focused.

When you approach your website with a copy first, design second plan—you’re setting the stage for a cohesive experience that feels natural to your visitors. They’ll know exactly what your brand is about and what action they should take next.

Why You Need a Pretty Website

Copy Defines the Structure of Your Website

Your website needs a clear structure that helps someone whos landed on your website navigate and decide whether your offers can help them solve their problems. That structure comes from your copy.

When you write your copy first, you’re forced to think through the flow of your pages. What’s the most important message to communicate right away? What questions might visitors have? How can you lead them from curiosity to conversion?

When you start with copy, you can easily map out which sections belong on each page. You’ll know exactly where to place your headlines, CTAs (calls to action), testimonials, and service breakdowns based on your audience’s needs.

A well-thought-out copy-first approach will improve your site’s user experience—making your website easy to navigate will naturally design a path that feels intuitive and logical to your visitors, they’ll never feel lost or wonder, “Where am I supposed to go next?”

By letting the copy lead the way, you avoid confusing layouts that could send visitors packing—instead, they’ll be gently guided toward the action you want them to take, whether that’s making a purchase, booking a call, or signing up for your newsletter.

SEO Strategy Starts with Copywriting

If you want organic traffic from search engines like Google, your copy needs to be front and center from the start. Because search engine optimization (SEO) begins with the words on your website, not the design elements.

Your copy is what Google crawls to understand what your website is about, along with your Htags structure—and where it should rank in search results. No matter how beautiful your site looks, search engines rely on the content (aka, the words) to determine its relevance and authority.

When you write your copy first, you can strategically sprinkle in relevant keywords that your audience is actively searching for. By doing this naturally within your content, you avoid keyword stuffing that can tank your SEO.

Showit Website SEO Tips

Copy Helps You Nail the Right Brand Tone

Your website design is a big part of your brand’s first impression. But without copywriting that speaks in the right tone, you can make the wrong one. Your brand voice for your biz should reflect what someone can expect when they work with or buy from you.

Your brand voice is communicated through your words. Writing your copy first helps you define the personality of your brand, which can then influence your design decisions. Are you going for fun and quirky? Polished and professional? Or something in between? <<< All of these decisions can effect how you want to design your website.

^^^ When your copy and design are aligned, you’re able to create a brand experience that feels cohesive.

Plus, people connect with brands that feel authentic to them. By writing in a voice that resonates with your audience, you create a personal connection that makes them want to stick around and engage with your business.

Your Copy Needs to Sell for You (Even When You’re Off the Clock)

Your website is your #1 24/7/365 salesperson. It doesn’t sleep, it doesn’t take breaks, and it definitely doesn’t need coffee. But here’s the catch—it can only sell if your copy knows how to do its job. And by “job,” I mean, getting ideal clients on your website to inquire with you or get on your email list.

^^^ If you leave copywriting to the end of your website design process, you risk overlooking its most important role: selling for you.

Your copy is where you communicate exactly why your audience should care about your offer. What problem are you solving? How will your product or service make their life better? You can’t communicate that with pretty pictures alone—your copy needs to lay it all out.

The Bottom Line: Website Copy First, Website Design Second

By writing your website copy first, you create a strong foundation your design can build upon. Your messaging becomes clear, your user experience improves, and your site becomes a conversion machine.

Copywriting Course for Creative Entrepreneurs

My Favorite DIY Website Copywriting Templates

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