Shop Showit Website Templates

Instead, showcase your craft with a Showit website design you're proud to show off—because it's as great as your work is.

Stop settling for social media because your website isn’t selling for you 24/7.

Showit Website Design for Creatives


The Freestyle Showit Template combines clean beach vibes + a retro-feminine edge: created with strategy, you’ll have a website that looks good AND converts—great for photographers, service providers & creatives.

Freestyle Showit Template for Photographers

Latest release!

It's time to stop hiding behind a 1080 x 1080 square (ashamed to show someone your website because it looks like a soggy sandwich). Double-down on a bold website that showcases just how great your work is AND helps you stand out from the crowd. Get ready to market your business on autopilot, without a temperamental algorithm controlling whether you're successful or not.

84% of people believe a website makes a business more legit than just a social media page.

Because #newsflash, unlike your website, if ol’ Mr. Meta decides one day that your account “doesn’t align” with the app you can sing bye-bye-bye to your account—AND all your followers too.

Because as cute as your IG feed is—you can’t rely on social media alone to get more clients.


And if your website isn’t up to the same standards as your business prowess…

You can’t afford to not stand out online.

In an era where millennials are holding on to their Benjamins tighter than a pair of skinny jeans…

If your website is following the latest on-trend style—you’re gonna blend in with your industry bffs—aka. you’re gonna attract price shoppers because your ideal clients can’t tell why they should pick YOU over the next person who pops up in their Google search.

Always Timeless

I don’t care what the other designers say—if your website is strategic it’s gotta look great too. Because no one’s going to stay on your website long enough to trust you if your website looks like it came out of 1995 (in fact, 38% of people will leave an ugly website).

Always Pretty

If your website isn’t mapped out to help get your ideal clients closer to working with you, showcasing how you’re the only one who can solve your ideal client's’re doing it wrong #sorrynotsorry

Always Strategic

The MWB Method

An analysis of your current website—so you can dig into the real problem of why it’s not working (aka. bringing in an ROI like it should)—whether that’s a design problem or a marketing issue. <<< So you can fix your *actual* website problem—not what you think might be the problem.

Website Design Audit

Hand over your Showit template to me to customize for you—so you don’t have to do any of the pixel-pushing—giving you time to focus on what YOU do best & bring in the ROI (which I’m guessing isn’t website design?), instead of wasting time fiddling with your website.

Showit Template Customization

Browse the collection of MWB designs—always bold & colorful; never boring, bland or beige—inspired by nature, music & more. Created with the MWB Strategy = Pretty Design Process, so you’ll have a website that looks good & converts. <<< Because you need both to have a client-attracting website.

DIY Showit Website Templates

Shop Showit Website Templates

Click publish on your brand-spankin-new website—one that you can’t wait to show off because it’s as unique as you are AND attracting your ideal clients (FYI celebrating with vegan ice cream is highly encouraged during this step ;P).


Continue your journey by plug-and-playing your content into your website (or have me do it for you)—getting your website primed & ready for your ideal clients to say “WOW! I’ve gotta work with you!”

Celebrate Your Launch


Create a Bold & Colorful Website

Pack your virtual suitcase & get ready for a DIY excursion with a MWB Showit template (or hire me to customize it for you). Need a diagnosis? Grab a website audit to see what’s working & what needs to be cut.


Choose Your Design Adventure

Ready to ditch your soon-to-be old website?

The reviews are in...

About Me

Because your website should be a brand asset, not just a write-off. So if your website isn’t helping you connect with ideal clients—bringing in a boatload of new leads—it might as well be Rated E for Extinction because it’s not helping you reach your business goals.

^^^ So I’m on a mission to help you design a website that does just that.

You're made to be bold & stand out online—showcasing your unique God-given talents on the WWW.

Hey, I’m Hannah! Your new designer sidekick.

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Be like the cool kids #smartcookies & get on my email list 😎 🍪