9 Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Converting

**This blog includes affiliate codes & links. If you purchase using one of the codes or links, I might earn a commission—but I only recommend products that I use regularly in my business or have personally vetted.

If your website isn’t converting it’s not helping your business grow. Getting traffic to your website is a battle on its own—but if you’re getting eyeballs viewing your website but they aren’t buying that means you have a conversion problem (the former would indicate a marketing problem most likely).

That’s why in this blog I’m going over 9 reasons why your website isn’t converting—so that you can get *actual* results from your website.

Why your website isn’t converting

No call to actions

Once someone lands on your website they need to be guided through the next steps to working with you, if you don’t ask them to do it they won’t! Make sure to have CTA’s (buy now, read this blog, book a call, etc.) on all the pages of your website.

Call to Actions 101

Your website copy is unclear

You only get one chance to make a first impression and your website is no exception. Right away when someone lands on your website reassure them that they are in the right place. And you MUST do this with words. If you don’t clearly explain to them what you do, why you do it, and most importantly how you’re  the solution to their problem you’re missing out on reaching more people.

Copywriting for Creatives Review

Why You Need to Write Your Website Copy Before Designing Your Website

Your Website Looks Outdated or Ugly

Let’s face it, if your website looks like it’s from 1995 it’s going to look untrustworthy. At least half of the viewers of your website are going to judge it by its design.

Why I Recommend Website Templates

It Doesn’t Connect with Your Ideal Client

This has more to do with your branding but let’s face it if your website is hot pink it’s probably not going to appeal to an outdoorsy masculine audience. Your website’s copy could also be the reason why it’s not connecting.

How to Make Your Website Resonate with Your Ideal Clients

Your Main Navigation is Unclear

If your main navigation has a ton of links or less important pages linked it’s going to be confusing. You should almost never have re than 5-7 links in the header.

Your Photos are Blurry and/or Unprofessional Looking

Bad phone pictures shouldn’t be on your website. Your website photos need to be professional-looking. If you’re on a tight budget get a nice headshot taken and supplement it with professional stock photos from somewhere like Elevae Visuals

How to Choose Photos for Your Website

It’s Not Mobile-Friendly

Over 50% of people search the internet using their phones which means that over half of your potential clients are looking at your website from their phones. That’s why it’s super important that your website is mobile-friendly. One of my favorite features of Showit, and why it’s my go-to website platform recommendation for most service providers and bloggers, is that you can completely customize the mobile view of your website separate from the desktop view.

My Favorite Showit Website Features

Your Website has Inconsistent Brand Fonts & Colors

It can be tempting to throw lots of different colors and fonts onto your website but not only is this probably ugly but it doesn’t help your brand become recognizable. Always stick to using your brand colors (generally 5-8 complimentary colors) and fonts (no more than 2-3 different ones).

How to Choose Your Website Colors

How to Choose Your Website Fonts

Slow Load Speed

50% of people will leave a website if it loads slowly. This means you have maybe 3 seconds, if that, for your website to load before someone is going to leave it and go to another website that loads faster because yours is too slow. It won’t matter at that point how great your website looks because they haven’t even seen it!

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