How to Make Your Website Pop

**This blog includes affiliate codes & links. If you purchase using one of the codes or links, I might earn a commission—but I only recommend products that I use regularly in my business or have personally vetted.

If your website looks like everyone else’s, you’re gonna blend into the crowd of your industry peers—aka. you’re not gonna stand out as an expert with a unique way of helping someone in a way your business neighbor can’t. Which you don’t want.

You need a website that stands out and pops if you will—but…

What exactly makes a website design “pop”?

A website that pops really is just a strategic & pretty one. <<< Because you need both of those qualities to have a successful website. You don’t need to do anything fancy to make your website stand out—it just needs to be personality-packed.

What Does Strategic Website Design Mean?

5 Qualities of a website that pops

Consistent brand colors

If you want your website to look nice and appeal to your ideal clients—it needs to be red-carpet-ready to greet them when they and on your website. 39% of people appreciate colors the most among visual elements on a business’ website. So your color palette makes a lot of impact in your design—aka. if you want your website to pop, you’ve got to use colors that stand out.

BUT you also need to consistently use your brand colors throughout your website. <<< You don’t want your website to look crazy because you’ve added a surplus of colors either. It needs to remain balanced because 21% of consumers will leave websites that have outlandish colors.

How Many Website Colors Do I Need?

Easy-to-read fonts

Repeat after me: your website fonts need…no actually *HAVE* to be readable. <<< In an era where people skim read this is especially important but also helps with accessibility.

Tips to make your website words easier to read:

  • Avoid using script fonts for more than one sentence of text, if not less than that.
  • Use contrasting colors for your text.
  • Break up your paragraphs to be as short as possible for easy skimming.
  • Make your font sizes at least 16px (but this will vary between font families)—when in doubt make it bigger than you think you need to.

How to Choose Your Website Fonts

How to Make Your Website Skimmable

Cohesive imagery

You don’t “just” need high-quality (aka. non-blurry) photos, videos, etc. on your website—all the imagery needs to go together cohesively. What do I mean by cohesive? <<< The photos are edited with similar lighting, they match your brands personally & the colors in the images match your brand color palette.

Elevae Visuals Stock Photography Membership

Call to actions

If you do only one thing on your website—make sure you have multiple call to actions on *EVERY* single page of your website. And 70% of Small Business B2B Websites Lack A Call to Action—so if you add them to your website you’ll be one step ahead of your competition with this one simple change.

Also, make sure your call to actions look like they’re clickable. It’s best for them to look like a button (aka. look clickable).

Website Call to Actions 101

High-quality copywriting

While you can have a beautiful website, will all the systems set up—everything ready-to-go, if your website doesn’t address the problem that your ideal client needs solving, you’re not going to connect with them.

The best (and really only way) to illustrate this to potential clients, is by writing. P-A-S (aka. problem, agitation, solution) is a go-to copywriting formula for this. BUT if you want to go deeper & actually have website copy that converts I highly recommend you check out Copywriting for Creatives.

My Review of Copywriting for Creatives

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