How to Create a Showit Website With Any Budget

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Showit is a great website platform for creative entrepreneurs. With its top-tier drag-and-drop website-building capabilities, if design control and freedom is something you want in a website builder—you need to go check out Showit.

My Favorite Showit Features

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or you’ve got socks older than your business—there’s a way for you to design an awesome Showit website that’s helping you attract new ideal clients so that you can grow your business.

How to Create an Awesome Showit Website on Any Budget

Option #1 DIY Your Showit Website from Scratch or Use a Free Showit Template

Average cost: Free + the cost of your monthly or yearly Showit subscription

Best for: New business owners who have literally no money to invest in a website

Time investment: 1 day to 1 year

While you DIY your website from the ground up is an option—I HIGHLY recommend that you don’t if at all possible. For two main reasons: one it’ll take you FOREVER cause website design isn’t your one of genius & I’m 99% sure your website will not end up strategic—aka. your website isn’t going to help you get more clients.

But I digress because sometimes you’ve gotta do what you’ve got a do when you’re first starting your business. AND Showit does have some pretty good free templates so…choose your own website adventure. Here’s a list of the pros and cons of DIYing your Showit website from scratch.

Pros of DIYing Your Showit Website from Scratch:

  • You’ve got full control of your website design.
  • You can really get immersed in learning the back end of the Showit platform.
  • It’s free.

Cons of DIYing Your Showit Website from Scratch:

  • It’s going to take you FOREVER pretty much guaranteed cause website design isn’t your expertise.
  • Your time is better spent on other tasks in your business.
  • Your website won’t be strategic.
  • You’re more likely to procrastinate on launching your website until every pixel is perfect.
  • You have to do all the work.
  • You’re not getting an designers expert opinion.

If you’ve decided that this is the website designing route for you, here’s an overview of how to DIY your website from scratch:

  1. Signup for the free Showit trial & learn how to use the platform inside and out (use the code “madewithboldness” to get your first month of Showit for free!). Test everything. Explore every setting. Like how do you add links. Or how to upload images to your media library. Or how to change your color palette.
  2. Select one of the Showit plans. Click here to see the current pricing and features.
  3. Start from a blank template or select one of Showits’ free templates.
  4. Design tip: Upload all of your imagery to your Showit media library in bulk to speed up your design process.
  5. Edit your website on desktop and mobile to your heart’s content using Showit’s easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor. Reaargne elements—experimenting with different layouts and color combos.
  6. Once your design is ready test all of your links and buttons to make sure they’re working properly.
  7. Press publish!

Option #2 Buy a Premium Showit Template from a Designer

Average cost: $250-1200

Best for: Business owners who have a smaller budget and/or don’t want to give up control of their Showit website design.

Time investment: Depends on the resources included with the template, average 1 day to 1 month.

This is my go-to recommendation for most creative entrepreneurs cause with premium Showit templates built by designers you got the best of both website worlds. You get a head start on building your website without all the headaches of working from a blank slate. BUT it doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg like a fully custom website. Plus you got to learn the backend of the platform so that you can confidently make edits to your website without having to hire a designer for small tweaks aka. saving you more money. Here’s a list of the pros and cons of buying a Showit template from a designer.

Pros of Buying a Premium Showit Template from a Designer:

  • Cost effective.
  • Keeps you in control of your website.
  • Gives you a head start on getting your website launched.
  • Helps you have a strategic design becuase the placeholders are already there for you.
  • You get to see what your website is going is mostly going to look like beforehand.
  • It’ll take you WAY less time to get your website live than starting from scratch.
  • You’ll get to the learn the Showit platform for yourself aka. empowering you to be able to make edits to your website.

Cons of Buying a Premium Showit Template from a Designer:

  • It still requires DIYing aka. it still takes some of your time.
  • You’re having to do all the work of inputting your content into the template (still less work than starting from scratch).
  • You’re not getting a designer’s expert opinion.

If you’ve decided that this is the website designing route for you, here’s an overview of how to use premium Showit templates::

  1. Purchase a Showit template from a designer. Pro tip: prioritize choosing a template that has a layout that you like and comes with the pages you must have for your website over the template aesthetic cause it’s much quicker to change the colors o your template than it is to overhaul the layout.
  2. Signup for the free Showit trial & learn how to use the platform inside and out (use the code “madewithboldness” to get your first month of Showit for free!). Test everything. Explore every setting. Like how do you add links. Or how to upload images to your media library. Or how to change your color palette.
  3. Add your template Share Key to your Showit account.
  4. Design tip: Upload all of your imagery to your Showit media library in bulk to speed up your design process.
  5. Edit your website on desktop and mobile to your heart’s content using Showit’s easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor. Reaargne elements—experimenting with different layouts and color combos.
  6. Once your design is ready test all of your links and buttons to make sure they’re working properly.
  7. Press publish!

Option #3 VIP Design Days & Showit Template Customizations

Average cost: Cost of your template + $500-$3000

Best for: Business owners who have a moderate budget who want to collab with a designer for a done-for-you experience.

Time investment: 1 day to 1 month.

This is a great way to get a designers expertise for your website with a lower price tag than a full custom website. Some designers Showit template customizations via a VIP day method and other do in a multi-week timeline—it just depends on who you work with. Here’s a list of the pros and cons of Showit template customizations.

Pros of VIP Design Day & Showit Template Customizations:

  • It’s done-for-you aka. you can spend your time on other things besides tweaking your website.
  • You get the expertise of a designer.
  • It’s in the middle of the road cost-wise.
  • You’ll avoid procrastinating on launching your website until it’s perfect.
  • You get to see what your website is going is mostly going to look like beforehand.
  • Your website will be strategic as long as you pick a good designer.

Cons of VIP Design Days & Showit Template Customizations:

  • You lose some control of how your website is going to look.
  • It’s a higer investment than DIYing.
  • You’ll have to wait to get your website launched until there’s a spot on your Showit designers calendar.
  • You have to collab with the designer.

If you’ve decided that this is the website designing route for you, here’s an overview of how to DIY your website from scratch:

  1. Find a Showit template to have in mind. Waiting to purchase until you work with your designer is preferable.
  2. Choose a Showit designer that you want to work with. Keep in mind that most designers are booked out at least 2-3 month if not longer.
  3. Follow along with the designer’s process of summiting your content prior to your project start date.
  4. Give feedback on revisions if applicable.
  5. Press publish!

Option #4 Fully Custom Showit Website Design

Average cost: 3000-10000+

Best for: Business owners who have a large budget who want to collab with a designer for a done-for-you experience.

Time investment: 2 weeks to 12 weeks

Fully custom website design is truly the most white-glove service you can possibly get. Not only do you get a designer’s eye and expertise on your project BUT you also don’t have to do any of the design work other than giving feedback on revisions. Here’s a list of the pros and cons of custom Showit website design.

Pros of a Fully Custom Showit Website Design:

  • It’s completely custom.
  • It’s done-for-you aka. you can spend your time on other things besides tweaking your website.
  • You get the expertise of a designer.
  • You’ll avoid procrastinating on launching your website until it’s perfect.
  • Your website will be strategic as long as you pick a good designer.

Cons of a Fully Custom Showit Website Design:

  • You lose some control of how your website is going to look.
  • It’s a high-cost investment.
  • You’ll have to wait to get your website launched until there’s a spot on your Showit designers calendar.
  • You have to collab with the designer.

If you’ve decided that this is the website designing route for you, here’s an overview of how to DIY your website from scratch:

  1. Choose a Showit designer that you want to work with. Keep in mind that most designers are booked out at least 2-3 months if not longer.
  2. Follow along with the designer’s process of summiting your content prior to your project start date.
  3. Give feedback on revisions if applicable.
  4. Press publish!

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