10 Signs Your Website Needs a Refreshed Design

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If you’ve found yourself asking, “Do I need a new website?”, the fact that you’re reading this blog is probably a good clue that YES you do need one. 

Your website is prime digital real estate for your biz, and its design can make or break how well your business grows. In fact, 94% of first impressions relate directly to your web design, and 75% of your website’s credibility comes from its design alone. So, if your site is outdated, clunky, or doesn’t feel like “you” anymore, you could be losing out on 7 out of 10 potential clients who land on your page.

Not sure if your website needs a Mia Thermopolis makeover? Here are 12 telltale signs that it’s time for a redesign.

Your Website Load Time is Slow

No one has the time (or patience) to wait for a slow website. Even a 1-second delay in page load time can reduce conversions by 7%, because you maybe have 5 seconds max. to catch someone’s attention on your website, and Google will penalize your website if it’s slow. AND if your website takes ages to load, people are bouncing off before they even get to see your beautifully crafted content. 

So even if your design is stellar, if your website is slower than molasses, it won’t matter. You’ll lose visitors before they can become ideal clients. 

**Pro Tip** Large photos is the #1 reason a website loads slow. Compressing your images using a tool like TinyPNG can help improve your website speed A LOT.

How to Decrease Your Website Bounce Rate

Your Website Isn’t Mobile-Friendly

Mobile traffic for over 50% of internet searches, so if your website isn’t optimized for mobile, you’re missing out on reaching more than half your visitors.  It’s basically like you’re using a flip phone in 2024—it’s outdated and doesn’t work for most consumers.

Website builders like Showit make it easy to create mobile-first designs, helping you make your website looks great on a phone.

Why I Switched to Showit from Squarespace

Your Website Doesn’t Feel Like “You” Anymore

Whether you DIYed your website or worked with a designer years ago, sometimes your website just doesn’t feel like “you” anymore. If you cringe a little every time you visit your homepage or wince looking at how outdated your about page is, it’s a clear sign that your website and branding are misaligned with where your biz is today.

Think of it like your favorite pair of jeans from high school. They may have been perfect back then, but it’s time for a wardrobe refresh if they don’t fit anymore. The same goes for your website.

**Pro Tip** If you’ve rebranded, you may only need a few tweaks, like updating the color palette or fonts. But if your website feels completely off, it’s time for a full overhaul.

You’re Offering New Products or Services

Adding new products or services to your business is exciting, but if your website doesn’t reflect these changes, you’re gonna miss out on ideal clients who are perfect for the offer.

Depending on how different the new offerings are from your existing ones, you may just need a new page—or, if your brand is expanding in a major way, a full redesign might be necessary to integrate everything cohesively.

Your Website Has a High Bounce Rate

If your website’s bounce rate is high, it means people are landing on your site and leaving without checking out other pages. This could be because your design is cluttered, your navigation is confusing, or your website simply isn’t clear on how you can solve someone’s problem.

How to Reduce Your Website Bounce Rate

You DIY’d Your Website (And It Shows)

DIYing your website can be a smart move when you’re a solopreneur—BUT, most DIY websites (if a template wasn’t used as a starting point)) tend to lack the strategic design that converts visitors into clients. Your website is your best 24/7 marketing tool, so if it’s not performing that role, it’s time for an upgrade. 

Why You Should DIY Your Website With a Template

Your Websites Conversion Rate Stinks

Getting traffic to your website is half the battle, but if visitors aren’t converting into clients, something on your website is the culprit. Whether it’s due to confusing design, unclear calls-to-action (CTAs), or poor copywriting, a website that doesn’t convert needs an overhaul. 

More often than not, design and copy issues go hand in hand. Your website copy should be written first to inform the design, not the other way around.

My Favorite Copywriting Templates from The Copy Bar

Your Website Looks Outdated Compared to the Rest of Your Industry

Take a look at your competitors’ websites. If they look modern and engaging while yours feels like it’s stuck in 2010, you’re falling behind. 

You’re Not Bringing in New Clients or Ideal Clients

If potential clients are landing on your website, but not booking ( you’re getting lots on inquiries from non-ideal clients), it’s often due to poor design or user experience. If visitors are confused, can’t find what they’re looking for, or don’t feel inspired to take action, they’ll leave and head straight to the next Google search and find someone who CAN do all of that.

You Plain Don’t Like Your Current Website

Not liking your current website design is a VERY valid reason to redesign it, especially if it’s not converting—because you should want to show off your website. And it’s probably a sign you need to rebrand your biz visually, as well.

Ready for a Website Makeover?

If any of these signs are making you nod your head in agreement—don’t wait for your competitors to outshine you—it’s seriously time to consider a redesign.

Your website is one of your most valuable biz assets, and keeping it updated, functional, and on-brand is key to biz growth.

Showit Website Templates for Creatives

Website Design Audits

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