The Copy Bar: My Favorite Website & Email Copywriting Templates

**This blog includes affiliate codes & links. If you purchase using one of the codes or links, I might earn a commission—but I only recommend products that I use regularly in my business or have personally vetted.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever struggled writing your website copy. That’s what I thought. It’s always harder to do something for yourself than for someone else. Especially if it’s not in your zone of genius. Enter in The Copy Bar by Ashlyn Writes. <<< Your go-to solution for writing copy for your creative business.

If you’ve ever felt like you had no idea what to write for your website copy, email sequences or you’re monthly blog content—The Copy Bar templates are just what you need.

The Copy Bar is filled with copy templates for most of your website needs like your home and about pages. There are also templates to help you write your email sequences and other things in your marketing.

I should also mention that a lot of the templates in The Copy Bar are included in Copywriting for Creatives which I’ve also purchased. Copywriting for Creatives is Ashlyn Carter’s signature program to teach you how to write all of your website copy in 30, 60 or 90 days. So if you find yourself wanting to purchase a lot of the website copy templates you should probably check out Copywriting for Creatives because it could actually be cheaper to buy the course than the cost of the copy templates combined.

My Review of Copywriting for Creatives

My Favorite Copy Templates from The Copy Bar by Ashlyn Writes

Pillar Piece Content Writing Template

This is arguably the best template I’ve gotten from The Copy Bar and ironically it’s one of the least expensive. I use this template to help me write all of my blog posts and it’s dramatically increased how fast I can write a post.

Homepage Copy Template for Designers

(**Included with Copywriting for Creatives)

The home page copy template gives you the formula to write all of the words for your home page so that it will appeal to your ideal clients. The template comes with examples of business owners that use the template for inspiration. There are different template versions for different industries but if you join Copywriting for Creatives you get all of the different versions. <<< This can be very helpful if you ever pivot your business in a new direction.

The Perfect Email Welcome Sequence Template

Another awesome template from The Copy Bar is the email welcome sequence template. This template gives you the framework to write your first emails to your new subscribers. It also comes with advice on how to segment your list from the start and how to determine how many emails should be included in your welcome sequence.

About Page Copy Template for Designers

(**Included with Copywriting for Creatives)

The about page copy template gives you the formula to write all of the words for your about page so that your website is actually talking about how you can help your ideal clients and not just…well…about you. The template comes with examples of business owners that use the template for inspiration. There are different template versions for different industries but if you join Copywriting for Creatives you get all of the different versions. <<< This can be very helpful if you ever pivot your business in a new direction.

Abandon Cart Email Sequence Template for Ecommerce & Shops

Another favorite template from The Copy Bar is the abandon cart sequence template. This template gives you the framework to “hey you forget to buy” emails WITHOUT SOUNDING ANNOYING. It also comes with advice on which email to include a discount code and how many hours the emails should be sent apart from each other.

365 Sticky Instagram Caption Templates & Party Starters

I know Instagram captions aren’t quite the same as they used to be. BUT if you’re like me and still love to post classic static posts to your feed then you should check out the Instagram caption template. It comes with 365 caption ideas aka. one for every day of the non-leap years. <<< AND even if you don’t use all of them for Instagram this can be a good resource for coming up with email newsletter ideas too.

Sweet 16 Sales Page Template + Copywriting Workbook

(**Included with Copywriting for Creatives)

The sales page copy template gives you the formula to write all of the words for your sales page for your digital or physical products. The template comes with examples of business owners that use the template for inspiration. There are different template versions for different industries but if you join Copywriting for Creatives you get all of the different versions. <<< This can be very helpful if you ever pivot your business in a new direction.

The Sales & Launch Email Sequence Template

And last but not least the sales and launch email sequence template. This template gives you the framework of how many emails to send when you’re having a marketing campaign promo period for your business and when you’re launching or relaunching one of your offers. <<< This template also pairs well with Primed to Launch which is another course by Ashlyn Carter that I’ve also taken and highly recommend.

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