5 Signs You Need a New Website

**This blog includes affiliate codes & links. If you purchase using one of the codes or links, I might earn a commission—but I only recommend products that I use regularly in my business or have personally vetted.

If you’re reading this blog that in and of itself probably means you need a new website. The design of your website makes a huge difference in how well your business grows. 94% of first impressions relate to your site’s web design and 75% of website credibility comes from design. So that means if your website doesn’t have a good design you could be losing out on 7 out of 10 of potential clients who land on your website.

If any of the Following Statements Describe Your Website, You Need a New One!

Sign #1 You Need a New Website

Your Website Loads Slow

Google will penalize your website if it’s slow. But your clients will also penalize you in the sense that they will leave your website if it’s slow. No one has the time to wait for a slow website to load. Even if your website has a great design, if it loads slowly at least 50%, if not more, of the people landing on your website aren’t going to see your awesome design because they’ve already left your website.

Sign #2 You Need a New Website

You DIYed Your Current Website

Like a lot of business owners, if you DIYed your website when you first started your business it probably doesn’t have a strategic design. Your website is your best 24/7 marketing tool so you want to make sure it’s designed well to convert browsers into clients.

Why I Don’t Recommend DIYing Your Website from Scratch

Sign #3 You Need a New Website

You’re Not Bringing in New Clients and/or New Ideal Clients

If potential clients who’ve landed on your website aren’t turning into paying clients, it probably has to do with its design. If they can’t find what they’re looking for or are confused once they’ve landed on your website they’ll leave and go visit someone else’s website.

Sign #4 You Need a New Website

You’ve Rebranded

If you’ve rebranded your business you may be able to only have to change your website color palette. But most likely your website doesn’t reflect your new brand very well.

Logo Variations You Need for Your Business

Sign #5 You Need a New Website

You’re Offering a New Product or Service

If you’re planning on offering a new product or service, you’ll probably need a new page on your current website, if not a full redesign. This is going to depend on how different the new offer is compared to your current products or services.

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Enter your email below to make sure your website doesn’t have the virtual equivalent of toilet paper sticking to your shoe before it goes live across the ‘net. FYI you don’t need a Notion account to view the checklist.

If your website can answer *YES* to these 26 questions you’re ready to publish!

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