How to Make Your Website Look Professional

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Have you ever been to a website that looked so sketchy that it made you leave the website immediately after clicking on it? Well, that is what your website visitors are going to do if you don’t have a professional-looking website. And no it’s not an option to not have a website.

Why You Need a Website for Your Creative Business Even if You’re on Social Media

But How Do You Make Your Website Look Professional?

The good news is that it’s not as hard as you might think.

How to Make Your Website Look Professional

Use Professional-Looking Photos

Using photos that look like a pro took them will not only help your website look more professional. But it will also make your website more personable. If any of the photos on your website look like their blurry or overly pixelated it can appear like you’re running a scammy business. Or at the very least it will make your website look outdated. Both of these scenarios are bad because 75% of the people who land on your website are going to base the credibility it based on its design. So in other words, if you don’t have a nice-looking website it’s not going to help your business. If you can’t afford a brand photoshoot yet you can start high-quality stock photos or videos.

Social Squares Stock Photos

The Make Membership Stock Videos

Easy to Find Contact Information

Not only is hard to find contact information annoying but it can also make your business look unprofessional and untrustworthy. The contact information for your business should be very easy to find. Add it to the footer of your website and add it to your contact page. Plus give them the option to fill out a contact form.

Social Proof

Adding testimonials and/or featured in sections to your website can increase conversions on your website. Because it makes you appear more professional and also proves that you’ve actually done the thing you say you do. Hearing from someone else why it’s awesome working with you will help quickly build more know, like and trust.

Legal Documents

Whatever legal documents are required for your website like a privacy policy should be linked in the footer of your website.

Legal Templates for Creative Businesses

Custom Email Address

While it might seem like an insignificant detail your business’s email address might be making your business look sketchy. Instead of using a generic email like, you should have a custom email with your business name in it like I usually recommend hosting your website’s domain thru Google Domains. This will make it very easy for you to set up a custom email thru Google Workspace. Neither will be attached to the website platform you’re currently on in case you ever have to move to another.

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