8 Website Design Do’s & Don’ts

**This blog includes affiliate codes & links. If you purchase using one of the codes or links, I might earn a commission—but I only recommend products that I use regularly in my business or have personally vetted.

Your website’s main job is to bring in new clients or product buyers to your business. It’s kind of useless for you to even have a website if it isn’t working for you. That’s why it’s very important that it’s designed strategically so that it will convert well and help you grow your business.

Do Add Call to Actions to Every Page on Your Website

If you don’t have call to actions on your website you’re missing out on clients. If you don’t tell someone who lands on your website what to do next in order to purchase your product or book your service they won’t do it because they won’t know what they need to do.

The One Thing You Need on Every Page of Your Website

Don’t Add Too Many Links to Your Main Navigation

The top of your website is referred to as the main navigation. Your main navigation should only have 5-7 links to the most important pages. If you add too many links your website visitors will get confused and not sure where to go next. Less important pages should be linked at the bottom of your website in the footer.

Do Use Buttons for All Call to Actions

Text links don’t stand out as much as buttons and you want your call to actions to be so eye-catching that your website visitors can’t help but click it.

Don’t Use Fancy Words for Your Websites Main Navigation

The names of your pages need to be simple and to the point even if it seems boring. Your about page should be called “about” don’t call it something fancier like “get to know me”. Not only is this better for your website’s SEO but it’s easier for someone on your website to understand. Clear is always better than clever. Here are some examples:

  • About > Get to Know Me
  • Testimonials > What They Say
  • Blog > Journal
  • Pricing > Investment

Do Break Up Text Into Easy to Read Sections

Most people skim read so you could have the best copy in the world and most people would still skim your website’s copy. So it’s important to break up your copy into easy-to-read sections with different text sizes so that it’s easily skimmable.

Don’t Use Fonts That Are Hard to Read

Even if your website copy is awesome if your website fonts are hard to read someone on your website will leave almost immediately. If your website copy is hard to read it’s almost as bad as not having any words on your website at all.

How to Choose Your Website Font

Do Check Your Website On Different Screen Sizes

Make sure to view your website on as many types of screen sizes as possible. At the very least view your website on a mobile phone and a desktop or laptop. Your website might look awesome on its desktop version but when you go to view it on mobile it needs work.

Don’t Use More than 3 Fonts

If you use too many fonts on your website it will quickly start to look cluttered, unprofessional and very off-brand. It’s best to use no more than 3 fonts or 2 different fonts and use one of them in 2 different weights.

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