Business Tips from Sabrina the Teenage Witch

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In this blog—I’m gonna break down what you can learn about website design & marketing from Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

You’ll learn:

  • Whether you should beta test your offer or not 🔬
  • Why you need your pricing on your website to increase trust with your ideal client 💰
  • How standing out & being different helps you reach your ideal clients 😎
  • To listen to black cats cause they talk 🐈‍⬛

(Never watched Sabrina before or need a refresh? Click here & here for the summaries.)

(PSA for this blog, I’ll be focusing mostly on the 90’s series & not the various spinoffs 😊)

Let’s start with the marketing & launch for Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

Based on the Archie comic book series Sabrina the Teenage Witch premiered in September 1996—following an OG pilot movie released previously in April 1996.

Which brings me to my first point…

If you can beta test an offer it’s probably going to work better than not.

99% of TV shows start with a pilot episode to test the concept of the show and get out any bugs in the scripts before getting the green light from the network.

Sabrina essentially did this twice with the first movie followed by an actual pilot for the series. And if you watch the pilot movie now you can see how the series would’ve turned out a lot different (and in my opinion been less successful), if they’d followed the plot of the movie.

The premise of the series surrounds Sabrina the main character being told she’s a witch on her 16th birthday. Which ends up being a drop shock ending in chaos on the first day of school (and the plot device for many episodes within the season as more secrets are revealed).

^^^ Which is just like how shouldn’t withhold important info, like your pricing on your website.

Most people don’t like sticker shock when they’re making purchases, whether it’s a physical product or hiring someone to perform a service.

I mean, just think about how you’d feel if you were hiring a bookkeeper & after you signed a contract to work with them.

And it wasn’t until after signing on the dotted line that they told you their hourly rate is $50,000. <<< That’s a dramatic number I know, but even on a lower scale, the emotions your clients would feel are pretty much the same.

And to finish off this newsletter…

Here are some notable quotes & plot points from the scripts of Sabrina that can help you with your website design & marketing.

Quote: Sabrina: “What’s the matter? I have to be a witch, I have to be a mortal, I have to be a teenager & I have to be a girl all at the same time. That’s what’s the matter.”

Business Lesson: ^^^ This is basically what it feels like to be a business owner (especially in 2024)—let alone if you’re a solopreneur. One way to combat feeling like this is to hire someone to help with certain tasks in your business, it could mean you need a VA or something else. BUT another way to lighten your workload is to simply do less—and repurposing content can help you in this area. I find it best to start with a bigger piece of content, like a blog or a newsletter, & segment it into smaller pieces of content for social media.

Quote: Sabrina: “So, can I ask you a question? Ever felt like you don’t fit in?” Jenny: “Only all the time, but I don’t want to fit in! I researched it, & awkward people tend to be much more successful later in life. I look at Libby, I see tragedy!”

Business Lesson: You probably don’t want to come across as awkward in your business—BUT that doesn’t mean you wanna fit in either. Not only should your visual branding (logos, brand colors, website design, etc.) but also messaging help you STAND OUT & BE DIFFERENT. If not you’ll end up blending in with your industry peers—which is going to devalue your services & products.

Quote: Miles: “We may only have a few seconds together before the next bell. I need you to sum up your entire being in four words. Go! Random Girl: “Not interested in you.” Miles: “Four words on the dot.”

Business Lesson: You may not need to sum up your entire being in 4 words on your website—BUT you do need to CLEARLY explain what you do & how you can help someone in a way that’s QUICK to understand. <<< This is especially important above the fold (the area you can see without scrolling) on your website pages.

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