How to Add ConvertKit to Your Showit Website

***This blog post includes affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of these links I may earn a commission. But don't worry, I only recommend products, courses, etc. that I use for my own business.

It’s super important as a business owner to start building your email list as soon as possible after you’ve launched your business. Your website and email list are your best forms of marketing compared to social media. Because unlike social media you actually own and are in full control of your website and email list. Email lists also have a higher conversion rate than social media.

The good news is that it’s very easy to add your email marketing platform of choice to Showit. I have ConvertKit subscriber forms added to my website but this tutorial will be almost exactly the same for any email marketing system that you want to add to Showit like Flodesk.

Which Email Marketing System is Best for Your Creative Business?

How to Add ConvertKit to Your Showit Website

Design Your Website in Showit

The first thing you’ll need to do if you haven’t already is to design your website in Showit. Once you’ve got that taken care of you can move on to adding a ConvertKit form.

Create a Subscriber Form in ConvertKit

  1. Start by creating an account for ConvertKit if you haven’t already and go to the tab at the top of your dashboard that says grow.
  2. Click on landing pages and forms then click on create new.
  3. Once you’ve done that you’ll need to select form and inline form.
  4. Next, you’ll need to choose a form template to start with it doesn’t matter which one you chose you can add any of them to Showit.
  5. Finish designing your form and then click save and publish.
  6. Once you’ve gotten to the publish screen ConvertKit will give you a few options to choose from to publish your form.
  7. You’ll want to copy and paste the Javascript code for your form.

Add Your ConvertKit Form to Showit

Now that you have the code for you form all you need to do is go to your Showit account and select the page or canvas you want to add your Convertkit form to and add an embed code box to your canvas. Copy and paste the Javascript code you got from ConvertKit in the embed code box and your form will appear for you to drag around non your canvas and adjust the size. Once you’ve finished adjusting where the form is on your page layout make sure to hit publish on your Showit website so that the new form will show up on your page.

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