How to Harness the Power of Storytelling for Marketing Your Creative Business

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There’s a reason we can remember every.single.detail of the plot of our favorite Disney movie as a kid—but can’t remember if we locked our doors when leaving the house. It’s storytelling. Our stories make us unique and memorable—unlike mundane tasks that can blend together.

As a human, you’ve got a unique story that no one can replicate exactly—and you can use it in your marketing to make your brand different from others in your industry AND make your brand relatable. <<< Because most consumers want to connect with the business they’re buying from. And stories can help you create that connection point.

In this blog, I’m going to go over how stories can give you an edge in your marketing efforts, help you connect with more ideal clients and improve engagement with your content.

Stories Don’t Have to Be Complicated or Long

A lot of creatives struggle with storytelling in their marketing. <<< And the biggest reason why is because a story is often viewed like it would be in a book or a movie—a beginning, middle and end. Lots of details. And long so that the story gets finished.

^^But it’s actually the opposite in marketing.

A story could be something as simple as mentioning that you remembered to brush your teeth today. It doesn’t have to be long and drawn out. In fact, it should be shorter so your audience doesn’t get bored.

You want your story to be a nugget of relatability so you can connect with your audience who’s reading it. Whether it’s a short anecdote about a challenge you faced during the week or a funny behind-the-scenes moment—even the simplest stories can humanize your brand.

Stories Hook Your Audience & Keep Them Engaged

It’s harder than ever to capture your ideal client’s attention because there’s so much content being spit out each day. So you have to hook them in so they’ll actually read or watch the content you’re giving them.

It’s like a book you can’t put down because the first page is so captivating you have to stay up until 3 am to find out what’s going to happen.

^^^ You want that same effect to happen with your marketing. And starting with a story can create that hook in your content—so that your audience wants to learn more about whatever you’re talking about.

Stories Make You (and Your Content) Memorable

Stories are more than just entertainment—stories are debatably 22x more memorable than stats alone. And in a sea of content on social media, blogs, emails, etc.—you need it to stand out and a story can help you do that.

I mean, think about it: there’s a reason you can quote Monster’s Inc. backwards and forwards, but struggle to remember someone’s name you met at church. If you had heard that person’s story when you met them, you’d probably. But, if they’d just said their name and hello you’re probably going to forget.

Other Business Decisions & Processes Can Be Copied—But Your Personal Story Can’t

Here’s the truth: no matter how unique your service or product is, there’s a good chance someone else could replicate it. But what no one can copy is *YOU*—your journey, your experiences, and your story.

^^^ In fact, it would be really weird if someone did try and do that.

We’re all unique and have different backgrounds and lenses we use to view the world. And that can give you an edge that literally no one else can have—because you’re the only person who has the exact same set of beliefs and life experiences.

Your unique selling point (USP) isn’t just the services you offer; it’s your personal narrative. Sharing your story is how you differentiate yourself from the crowd and attract your ideal clients who connect with your journey.

Stories Help Build the Know, Like & Trust Factor

Know, like and trust. They’re often toted as the three things you need for successful marketing.

^^^ Using stories in your marketing makes you relatable, allowing your audience to see the human behind the business. And get a glimpse of your personality.

When you open up about your challenges, triumphs, and even the not-so-glamorous parts of running a creative business, you become more than just another faceless company. You become a human that your ideal client can relate to.

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