Browse the collection of tools I use as a website designer—that you can use in your creative business.

Check out the MWB resource library.

**This page includes affiliate codes & links. If you purchase using one of the codes or links, I might earn a commission—but I only recommend products that I use regularly in my business or have personally vetted.

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Tools & resources I use in my business.

MWB favorties.

Get $10 off your first month of Fathom analytics!!! A privacy-focused Google Analytics alternative for your Showit website.

Website analytics.

Need to add a shopping cart to your Showit website? Try WooCommerce. Add one of the MWB templates to your cart to see it in action.

E-commerce solution.

Use the code "madewithboldness" to get a free month of Showit!!! My go-to solution for building websites for creative entrepreneurs. (*Psst* my website is hosted on Showit.)

Website builder & host.

If you''re looking for a way to market your business on Pinterest, check out Power of Pinterest by Hannah Reed & co. The course has up-to-date Pinterest strategies & tips on how to build your sales funnel.

Pinterest course.

Don't know how to write the words for your website? Enter in The Copy Bar by Ashlyn Writes filled with templates to help you write compelling & strategic copy.

Email & website copy.

Track your website keywords & more with RankMath so you get your content to rank & help you reach more ideal clients.

Website SEO tool.

Grow your email list using ConvertKit. ConvertKit is one of the easiest email marketing systems to set-up & what I use for my email list.

Email service provider.

Tailwind is the social media scheduler I use to schedule all of my monthly Pinterest & Instagram posts.

Social media scheduler.

Attorney-drafted contract templates from Kailey Jacomet at Contractista. Templates available for designers, photographers, coaches & more.

Contract templates.

Canva is what I use to design all of my social media posts. Choose a template to get started, add your brand colors & download.

Social media graphics.

Need stock photos & videos for your business? All of the images on my website, social media pages & Showit templates are from Elevae Visuals (formerly Social Squares).

Stock imagery.

Grab the checklist!

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Enter your email below to make sure your website doesn’t have the virtual equivalent of toilet paper sticking to your shoe before it goes live across the ‘net. FYI you don’t need a Notion account to view the checklist.

If your website can answer *YES* to these 26 questions you’re ready to publish!

🚀 Does your Showit website pass the pre-launch test?

*FREE* Showit Website Pre-Launch Notion Checklist!